Dear Diana Klurfeld:
We at Rare Conditions would like to take a moment to say thank you to those who contribute their time, insight and attention to our shared cause of bringing important stories out of the shadows and into the light.
Diana Klurfeld is one of those people who, through her effort, willingness to share what she has learned from her professional experience within the health care industry and generosity of her time has managed to contribute more than she will ever know to our cause.
Diana, through Klurfeld Cares, brings with her a wealth of empirical knowledge and hard-earned know-how in the field of healthcare particularly with respect to patient data, HIPPA, triage and logistical support systems that can be better designed to surround the patient with specialists best suited to diagnose and treat rare diseases and conditions.
Diana's husband, Alex Klurfeld, has also been instrumental in expanding our knowledge of patient challenges in overcoming mobility limitations and recovery hurdles in the sphere of kinesiology and physical therapy.
Rare Conditions thanks Diana Klurfeld for her past, present and (hopefully) future support in furtherance of our common mission to expand awareness of issues facing marginalized patient populations.
Diana and Alex Klurfeld are the owners and operators of Klurfeld Cares, a volunteer organization that has as its primary objective, the mission to create awareness about a lack of funding, training, and quite frankly empathy for and interest in, a shockingly long list of diseases and conditions which can be multiplied by the millions of people that suffer from each of them. It has been commented by some of our fellow volunteer patient advocates that some of these diseases should be labeled "rare" so as not to provide an alibi to the physicians and universities that ignore them. Regardless of the semantics, when millions of people cannot receive treatment, or even a prompt diagnosis, simply because there is not much attention paid to their ailment, something must be done.
What is so important about Diana and Alex Klurfeld's work is that while other organizations are raising money Klurfeld Cares only mission at the time of this writing is to raise AWARENESS, which in turn will hopefully lead to greater interest from philanthropic and private organizations alike. Diana and Alex rely heavily on the work from freelance journalists, influencers and bloggers to get the word out. You can follow Diana Klurfeld's individual journalism here
Thank you Diana Klurfeld!
serving those with EDS & Other Rare Conditions
Madison Ave New York, NY 10016 US & cabot rd. Laguna Niguel, Ca 92653
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